Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Why Not Become a travel agent?

Think about it. Everybody wants to travel. As a Marketing Representative, you have the opportunity to create an incredible lifestyle along with substantial income for yourself and your family by promoting the travel-related products of Pro Travel Network.
Pro Travel Network offers the most unique and powerful marketing opportunity in existence today.  There is no doubt that Travel is the easiest product to promote and talk about, giving our Marketing Reps a huge business advantage.  By working with Pro Travel Network, helping us spread the word, you could soon find yourself enjoying the travel, money and fun, that thousands of Pro Travel Network Marketing Reps are already experiencing. Home-based business is a nearly $500 billion a year industry. That's more than the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, and consumer goods industry combined. How? Because of the sheer numbers of people in business for themselves who are now working from home. The extremely low start-up cost, flexible hours, and the internet are fueling the growth of the home based business segment. Nearly 200 million people in North America alone enjoy the freedom and benefit of owning their own internet business.  You can too with Pro Travel Network.

Getting started is simple. Become a PTN Marketing Representative (MR) today. The cost is a nominal $89.99 and $9.99 per month. Then immediately set your goal to achieve the Regional Manager position, by simply exposing this opportunity to 4 people.   Regional Manager is the building block position for the entire compensation plan. At RM both leverage and residual income come into play, allowing you to earn on your efforts and the efforts of your entire team. You are now the CEO of your own company.

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